Support for International Students studying in Western Australia

Support services for international students in Perth


There are a range of support services for international students to help them adjust to life in a new country and succeed in their studies. Here are some of the key types of support available:

Your Educational Institution:

  • Orientation Programs: Universities and colleges in Perth typically offer orientation programs to help new international students get acquainted with the campus, meet other students, and learn about available services. It’s vital to attend these to get essential information to help you settle into life in Australia.
  • Academic Support: This includes English language support, tutoring services, and workshops on academic skills such as essay writing, exam preparation, and research techniques.
  • Student Services:
    • Counseling Services: Many institutions provide free counseling services to help students manage stress, culture shock, and personal issues.
    • Health Services: On-campus health services, including general medical care, mental health services, and health promotion activities, are often available.
    • Accommodation Assistance: Universities often have accommodation offices that help students find on-campus housing or provide advice on finding suitable off-campus housing.

Community Support:

      • International Student Centres: These centres provide a range of services including social events, workshops, and information sessions.
      • Student Associations: Many institutions have international student associations that organize social events, trips, and provide peer support.
      • Community Associations: Many countries have their own associations which may help with meeting others from your own country and being able to celebrate your culture and significant events as a group. You can find groups by contacting: Community associations ( OR Home – MSCWA

Government and External Support:

  • StudyPerth: This organization offers resources and support for international students, including pre-departure information, arrival guides, and ongoing support throughout their studies. They also organize social events and activities to help students integrate into the community.
    • Workshops and Seminars: Topics covered can include visa regulations, work rights, and practical skills for living in Australia.

Employment and Career Services:

  • Career Centers: These offer workshops on resume writing, job search strategies, and interview skills. They also provide information on internships and part-time job opportunities.

Legal and Financial Support:

Cultural Integration:

  • Buddy Programs: Pairing new international students with current students to help them settle in and navigate the new environment.
  • Cultural Events: Regular events that celebrate diversity and help international students feel at home. Have a look at International Student Events | StudyPerth

These services collectively aim to ensure that international students have a positive and enriching experience while studying in Perth.