What is CISWA?

CISWA is short for “Council for International Students of Western Australia” and is an independent, voluntary, non-profit group promoting the wellbeing of international students studying in Western Australia.

Originally funded by AusAid, CISWA was established in 1963 in response to the demand for support services for the 1000 international students studying in Western Australia. Over sixty years on, CISWA remains the only organization of its kind in Australia, though the number of international students in WA has grown to over 50,000.

CISWA supports the staff who work with international students, running an affordable Professional Development (PD) Program and an Annual Conference currently in its 30th year in 2023.

President’s Welcome

As we in the international education sector in Australia work through a new set of challenges, CISWA is an important independent voice in the international education sector. Recognising the challenges faced by many of our members, CISWA’s Executive Committee recently decided to add advocacy to our remit. We will trial this activity for a short time and review early in 2025; look out for updates in the CISWA newsletter.

CISWA’s Professional Development (PD) workshops and our annual conference are the main activities we provide for staff working in the international education sector – in schools, colleges, and universities. Our training sessions are run by experienced professionals from a range of backgrounds in international education, who volunteer their time to share their knowledge and experience to develop a strong skills base among staff in WA institutions.

The benefits of international education include positive cultural interchange and deep connections for all; CISWA believes our international student community enriches our understanding of others, and strengthens our institutions, communities, and our nation.

Best wishes,

Celia Cornwell
CISWA President

 August 2024